Wise men go to the monastery and become monks. Idiots ... chase for love stories. ... but it's all about the journey of understanding the illusion of the self.by the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

More and more ... i start to realise that love stories are not about love ... but more lessons about the true identity of the human being.

Of course ... it all looks as a nonsense ... but the moment when i see the break up and the suffering ... I deeply understand that an abstract message is sent to us.

And not even .... after the message is repeated on and on and on ... nothing is changing for real in our perceptions about life.

We just suffer ... then we start another story.

... and another one ... and another one ... and another one ....

Today i wonder myself why men can't stop themselves chasing for love stories.

New ... and new love stories.


Most probably it's impossible ... or the only possible way is actually to go to a monastery and try to become ... monk.

... or at least act like them.

Unfortunately .... we can't do that.

Not ... even as a .... test.

We love ... duality.

We ... need it.

And we can't stop psychological games to chase for it.

So ... even if we fail in any story ... we just start a new one.

... and then another one.

But ... you see ... we don't even ask ourselves why the hell the monk decided to go for the rest of his life to the monastery?!

Maybe had enough of those love stories ... which are in fact not about love ... but about the illusion of life?!

Maybe is a trend of experiencing the illusion in silence?!

.... with detachment.

And ... of course far away of the psychological games induced by the duality which is ... the couple ... man and woman.





Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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